Module Renault/Nissan Continental Diesel CAN
Additional information
FIDs: 155, 157, 177
Module for reading and writing through the diagnostic connector Renault diesel vehicles with Continental ECUs.
Renault Siemens SID301 (FID:157)
This FID is for working with Continental SID301 ECUs based on MPC561 with external flash memory 2.0Mb.
Allows reading and writing with checksumm correction by CANbus.
Renault Continental SID305 (FID:155)
This FID is for working with Continental SID305 ECUs based on Infineon Tricore TC1766 with internal flash memory 1.46Mb.
Allows reading and writing with checksumm correction by CANbus.
Renault Continental SID310 (FID:177)
This FID is for working with Continental SID310 ECUs based on Infineon Tricore TC1791 with internal flash memory 4.0Mb.
Allows reading and writing with checksumm correction by CANbus.
Attention! Module is in test stage. New ECU types will be added ASAP. To join the test please contact
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